
New Month, New Chances and A Big Change on Mia’s Little Corner

New Month, New Chances and A Big Change on Mia's Little Corner

Wow! Can you believe it’s already May? To me this new month is kind of special, it’s accompanied by some changes. A quite a big one concerns the blog. Today I want to talk about what it’s all about.
I’m sure you’ve noticed, that it has become more and more quiet here on Mia’s Little Corner. It’s no surprise, that my life (like everybody else’s life) has changed and developed over the years, both private and professional. I went to university, graduated, did a great and exciting internship, moved out and away and now I work fulltime. Always with me: my blog. What changed is the available time, which has shrunk gradually.

I still love blogging and don’t want to miss it. But to live up to the changes and developments in my life, I’ve come to the point: I need to change something, if I want to continue blogging with the same passion and pleasure (and without feeling too stressed).

Change on Mia’s Little Corner

I’ve been thinking back and forth and really hesitated, but I’ve come to the decision, that from now on I want to keep Mia’s Little Corner a German-written Blog.

Believe me, this has been a tough decision because it means I’m leaving a huge part of this blog behind. It was a great experience writing in English and I really learned a lot. But I can’t deny it was rather time consuming and made an effort. I mean after all it’s not my first language.

I know, that this decision means, I’m probably going to lose some of you. Still I see this decision as a great chance for me: I hope to be able to write more often and spontaneous (writing in German is just so much easier for me) and to spend more time on new, maybe non-beauty subjects, which I’ve been avoiding due to the barrier of language.
I want to thank you for all your support, kind messages and comments you’ve left me over the years. I hope you’ll still stop by every now and then (I mean there are ways and means to translate the site) and leave me a comment. Of course you’re still very welcome to write in English;)

I wish you all the best! xoxo, Mia


New Month, New Chances and A Big Change on Mia's Little Corner

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