We all know it: Drinking water’s essential for our health, wellbeing and of course beauty. Still we often forget to drink (enough) and end up being dehydrated, tired and weak.I used to have phases when drinking really was an issue for me – but thanks to a few tricks, which I want to share with you, I learned how to drink more water every day.
I hope you like my tips and that they’ll help you to drink more water as well.
1. Make it a part of your daily routine steps
You have a special routine you stick to in the morning/evening? Perfect! Try to connect specific steps in that routine with a few sips of water. Let me give you an example: Since I have coffee every morning I made it a routine to have a glass of water after turning on the coffee machine.
2. Invest in a nice bottle or tumblr
Let’s be honest, isn’t it a lot more fun to drink out of a fancy bottle or pretty tumblr? To me it makes a huge difference! I’m much more tempted to long for a nice looking tumblr than a normal looking glass or bottle.
3. Never leave your glass/tumblr empty
I’ve noticed that the probability of me drinking a glass of water is way higher when the glass is already filled. That’s why I try to never leave my glass empty, but to fill it up right after I emptied it.
4. Use a straw
This may not work for everybody, but whenever I use a straw I drink much more (than without). (I know this sounds a little crazy, but it’s just more fun with a straw!!)
5. Use a app to remind you
Since we have apps for almost everything why not use a app like this or this one to remind you of drinking and to help track your drinking habits? Especially in the beginning the apps really helped me to drink more water!
6. Pimp your water
I know … water can get a little boring from time to time. But instead of switching to the sugary alternatives, try to pimp your water and create your own «Infused Water». There are no limits – mix and match whatever ingredients you like and infuse your water with them. I really love to add strawberries, lime & mint or some slices of cucumber to make my water more tasty.
How much water do you drink everyday? What are your tricks to drink more water?

7. Juni 2016 at 20:26great tips!
xoxo Sienna
7. Juni 2016 at 21:02Thank you, dear Sienna <3
Kiss & Make-up
8. Juni 2016 at 11:38For me the most important thing is to just have water with me ALL the time. On the go, on my desk, in my bag, always and everywhere.
8. Juni 2016 at 19:23That’s soooo true!! I still tend to forget my water bottle at home!! (Gotta work on that point!)